Management Reports

The management reports consist of five categories, with details as below:

Summary Report – This report generates the number of parts and time taken for collection and delivery of the parts for a particular period, which will enable the user to view and analyse the part usage trend and the time trend for all the activities
Compare by Parts Report – This report is for comparing the usage of various parts against a particular device, which will help the customer to review the stock levels to meet the demand
Compare by Vehicles Report – This report is for comparing the number of jobs carried out by a particular vehicle in comparison with other vehicles, which will enable the customer to plan and reallocate the area to assign equal number of jobs to all vehicles
Compare by Mobile Personnel Report – This report is for comparing the number of jobs carried out by a particular mobile personnel in comparison with other personnel, which will enable the customer to measure the KPIs of the mobile personnel in comparison with other personnel
FRC Job Allocation – This report is for analysing how the mobile personnel being utilised by the control centre staff during their shifts, which will enable the customer to identify the control centre staff who need further help towards better usage of field personnel.